Saturday, May 24, 2008

I will risk my life...

(For a night out without the kids that is)! After record breaking heat last weekend, we Californians got to experience tornadoes this week. And they hit on the one night in which Jeremy was available to babysit and I had plans. After watching the newscast I decided the news people were overreacting as always and a tiny tornado would not stop me from going out. I hopped in the car for girls' night with my high school buddies. They obviously felt the same about the tornadoes since everyone showed up! We had so much fun and once again stayed up much too late for a work night. Thanks girls for such a good time!


Shan said...

i know the feeling...this week has been one of those weeks where i woulda been willing to risk my life to have a break too (j/k...kinda). we finally did get a few kid-free hours tonight, we went to go see Baby Mama and have a quick was nice but a few hours wasn't long enough. let's plan a date jeremy off any time soon?

anyways, i'm glad you survived girls night out. ;).

King Family said...

It was definitely a good time. However, I did have my kids. :(

Tim and Lisa said...

Thanks for risking your life for us!!! It was nice to get out and have some "girl" time / talk!!!