Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Can a cat get embarassed?

If so, then my mom's cat Dexter is mortified. You see, Dexter is my mom's new child. She needed someone to spoil since her kids are all grown up & moved out. Meet Dexter: my new brother. 95% of the time Dexter has a pretty easy life. He eats good food, bathes in the sunlight of the family room window, and has even taken over my folk's favorite armchair. Then there is the 5% of the time when my children come over to play. My children LOVE Uncle Dexter. They want to pet him, play with him and cuddle up to him all the time. Unfortunately for Dexter, Derek is only a year and a half old so the petting is kind of rough, the playing is basically my children chasing Dexter while he tries to find a new place to hide and cuddling is usually one of the boys laying on the poor cat while he is squirming to get away. The funny part is the boys genuinely love Dexter. So much so that they wanted to buy him a Halloween costume so he wouldn't feel left out. After a little wrangling to get it on, Dexter's costume transformed him into a chicken. It didn't seem like he really appreciated it....


Shan said...

that is so funny..."uncle dexter"! it's a good thing that derek's parents only have 2 big dogs, cats would never survive my girls.:)
p.s.~at first i thought poor dexter had little tiny underware on hie head. he's a good sport!

mom said...

Dexter IS a good sport! It sure was good for a laugh!!!

Jonathan said...

LOL> my cat is named Dexter and looks the exact same! I wish i could show u guys a pic of him, but I can't here.